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Sundays with Joy/Mini Pumpkin Black and White Cookies

Sorry for posting my Sundays with Joy so late but I didn’t get around to baking my cookies till Saturday.  I got everything ready for the glazes. sifted all of the dry ingredients for my nephew’s birthday cupcakes, then took some time and went to my daughter’s soccer game.  Once my brood and I returned home I went full steam ahead on my nephew’s cupcakes for his party the next day.  Once those were done and cooling, I started on my glazes for the cookies.

The house smelled AMAZING even in the early mixing stages.

First off, just as a pumpkin cookie, I really adored them.  I made some pumpkin cookies last year and I like how much better these came out.  As far as the glazes, well, once I read that the “white” glaze was really a cinnamon glaze I knew I was going to like this cookie.  The pumpkin, cinnamon, and chocolate go so well together that I can’t even describe it.  Let’s try it this way…My son squished four rolls of toilet paper using a pack as a step stool to reach for his third (technically his fifth, his third with icing, only two were given to him, the rest were snuck but mommy sees everything).  I only let him have that many because that was one less that I would eat.  Luckily, the next day was my nephew’s party and I could share them.

Done and ready to cool…

I also finished the cupcakes for my nephew’s party, a soccer theme.  Can I just say that while I appreciate that the grass tip exists and I do use it, whoever invented it is a glutton for punishment.  Twenty four grass covered cupcakes means my arms hurt for quite a bit.  I also was out of my smaller icing bags and couldn’t get the pressure I wanted squeezing it out but it all got done and looked okay.  I figured I’d pipe some lines on the cupcakes into a sort of field without it having to become a cupcake cake.  It didn’t look that great but the kids liked it.  I also made some flags for the corners using Joy’s tutorial on How to Make: a Cake Banner.  Speaking of Joy, if you would like the recipe please buy her cookbook.  You can also check out some of our group’s creations at Bakeaholic Mama.

I don’t know if the piping could have been that much better though, being on top of the grass icing. Like the old school cupcake taker? I have way less casualties when I use a box like that. I have pastry boxes, and tupperware but they all come with more smooshes and falls.

My GeekyLink for today is The 25 Most Devoted Fan Bases.  I actually only claim about eight of these but it is mostly because they range from Oprah to Phish.  I have to say that my guilty pleasure is #20.  I have mentioned him before and have always been a fan but for many reasons lately I have found myself becoming a much bigger fan.

About NerdyBaker

My name is Celina. I am a wife and mother of three. I love to bake, go to the movies, read when I can and I am kind of a great big nerd. Just don't tell my husband.

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